How to keep your Kawaiies Plushies clean

How to keep your Kawaiies Plushies clean

How to keep your Kawaiies Plushies clean

It is not a surprise that your Kawaiies plushies are your most precious possession and so it is important that we follow some easy steps that will keep your new plushies super clean and as good as new.

The purpose of this blog is to make sure all our Kawaiies Members know how to clean their plushies so it is always accessible and germ free. We hope that this information helps us all keep our plushies clean.

The great thing about our Kawaiies is that no matter how much you squish it, twist it, push it- in the end, it will always bounce back to shape and still be firm to hug. So don’t be scared thinking your plushies are going to lose shape or colour when cleaning them.

You can decide on how frequently your plushies should be cleaned based on how dirty they get. The great thing about your soft plushies are that they are machine washable so you can wash them once a week, every other week or whenever you decide.

There are two very simple ways in which you can clean your precious plushies.

Using a washing machine:

  • Use the cold gentle cycle option on your washing machine. 
  • Using your regular mild detergent, follow the instructions at the back of your bottle, make sure you pour in a good amount so it can come out smelling fresh whilst removing all the dirt.
  • If you would like to disinfect your plushies, we recommend using an anti-bacterial disinfectant such as Lysol Laundry Sanitiser which removes 99.9% of bacteria and contains 0% bleach.
  • After washing your plushie, it is best to let your plushie air dry.

Hand washing your plushies:

  • First of all gather all the items you need for this-a mild detergent, clean dry towel and a clean space where you can fill up with water such as a sink or bucket.
  • Once you have filled up your sink/bucket with warm water,  pour in your detergent and start by pushing your Kawaiies in, in a pumping motion.
  • Let it sit in the water and solution for about 15 minutes for softer plushies and longer for harder ones, before rinsing.
  • Once it is all done, you can place it under running water or fill up the sink/bucket with clean water and do the same pumping motion and rinse it all out.
  • After washing your plushie, it is best to let your plushie air dry.


Recommendation on some detergents you can use:

  • Persil Non-Bio Laundry: Removes toughest stains and is very gentle next to sensitive skin.

  • Fairy Non Biological Washing Powder: Another super effective cleaning detergent that is also gentle.


Recommendation on some of anti-bacterial detergents you can use:

  • Lysol Laundry Sanitiser: Removes 99.9% bacteria and contains 0% bleach.

  • Persil Antibacterial Laundry Sanitiser: Kills 99.9% bacteria and viruses you can’t see and can be used on low temperatures.

  • Dettol Antibacterial Laundry Cleanser Fresh Cotton: Killer of germs and bacteria even at a low temperature. Perfect for washing our Kawaiies with cold water while killing all the germs.

If you are someone who might not always get the chance to wash your buddies every week but still want them snuggled up with you, then we suggest purchasing an Antibacterial Surface Spray. Gently spray them to provide a fast germ-killing action. This way you won’t need to neglect your plushies.

We hope our blog was able to help you with keeping your Kawaiies plushies clean. If you have any other questions please email us at Stay safe and take care of those around you.